Browse our calendar to find something to spark your imagination.
The Guildford Institute and Guildford Arts are pleased to present their recent exhibition in their Assembly Room. Join us to view the great work of local artists: JAN DAGLEY Jan’s work is either in response to poetry or to fragrance. She is particularly interested in synaestheisa where one sense activates another sense or senses and […]
Tai Chi provides core balance, harmony, and wellbeing. Although considered a martial art, Tai Chi is also meditative and an energising exercise. Tutor Devdan has been practising Tai Chi for almost 30 years. On this course, Devdan will guide students through Part 2 of the traditional long form of the Yang style. Students should have […]
The course covers: Earth’s climate evolution past, present and future: climate change at the poles, in the oceans, on land, and in the atmosphere; melting ice and rising seas; the relation between climate change and energy use; and climate forecasts. Background reading includes: The Rough Guide to Climate Change, The Emerald Planet (Beerling), and The […]
Tai Chi provides core balance, harmony, and wellbeing. Although considered a martial art, Tai Chi is also meditative and an energising exercise. Tutor Devdan has been practising Tai Chi for almost 30 years. Continuing through Part 3, Devdan will guide students through the progression of the 108 movements of the traditional long form of the […]
Tai Chi provides core balance, harmony, and wellbeing. Although considered a martial art, Tai Chi is also meditative and an energising exercise. Tutor Devdan has been practising Tai Chi almost 30 years. For those who have completed and assimilated the 108 Yang Long Form, this course works on refining the flow of the movements and […]
Literally meaning ‘Life Energy Cultivation’, Qigong has its roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy, tai chi and martial arts. A holistic system of coordinated body posture, movement, and breathing, Qigong is beneficial for health and balance. The cultivation of Chi (Qi) – the flow of energy – enables meditation through mindful movement of the body. Suitable […]
Tai Chi provides core balance, harmony, and wellbeing. Although considered a martial art, Tai Chi is also meditative and an energising exercise. Tutor Devdan has been practising Tai Chi almost 30 years. Devdan will guide students through Part 1 of the traditional long form of the Yang style. Suitable for beginners. Students are advised to […]
Rioting was a feature of eighteenth century life, whether over food, religion, working practices or politics. This course will investigate the reasons behind riots and rebellions, the form they took, the way such uprisings were dealt with, and how those found responsible were punished by the authorities.
This course is designed to take your knowledge and understanding of the Italian language and culture to a level where you feel comfortable discussing lifestyles, personal preferences, well-being, and current issues such as the environment. Linguistically, you will learn how to understand real material such as articles and extracts about Italian culture and history. Classes […]
Enjoy developing and channeling your writing abilities. All forms are covered, including novels, plays, poems, short stories, and memoirs. Classes will cover many aspects of writing, such as getting started, shaping short stories, creating characters, guidelines on getting published. With an emphasis on individual development, there will be reading and discussion of your work in […]
Edgar Degas was undoubtedly one of the great artists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A central member at this time of artistic and social revolution, Degas continually pushed boundaries to the end of his life despite being brought up and trained in a very conservative way. A solitary and often contentious man, […]
Adventurous British artists championed Modern art movements, including Post-Impressionism, Cubism, and Surrealism. Modernism gave artists the language to express the horrors of war-torn landscapes. This course will explore how this shaped twentieth century landscape art, from Roger Fry and the Bloomsbury Group to the work of C.R.W Nevinson and Paul Nash, and beyond. This course […]
The course communicative aims are to learn how to talk about daily routines and hobbies, work, accommodation, and the area where one lives, express likes and dislikes. You will look and read simple information about a few famous Italian cities and localities. The linguistic aim is to cover very basic and essential grammatical structures to […]
This foundation course is for people with no or little knowledge of the Italian language and culture and will enable the participants to feel comfortable when exchanging basic personal information in informal conversations. You will also learn how to ask for directions, order food and drinks, book tickets and accommodation. Basic reading and writing will […]
This course aims to teach students to communicate in everyday situations and exchange information on familiar and routine matters. This course will enable you to 'get by' when using the language abroad. The emphasis will be on listening, speaking, and understanding. Suitable for students who have completed Beginners Spanish Terms 1, 2 and 3, or […]
Join tutor Songül for this three-week course and learn how to use the medium of soft pastels. Songül will guide you step by step, helping you to master blending techniques and experience the versatility of the medium, through the depiction of various subjects. Some drawing experience needed. A list of required materials and equipment will […]
Join us in V Café on alternate Wednesday mornings at our ‘chatter and natter’ table. Run by our friendly table volunteers, we aim to provide a welcoming space for individuals to come together to chat and socialise.
In this three-week course you will practise depicting landscape elements, such as sunsets, skies and flora. Tutor Songül will demonstrate and give you one-to-one guidance when needed. Some watercolour experience needed. A list of required materials and equipment will be provided. Don’t forget, Members can enjoy 10% off stationery and art supplies in Biddles of […]
Stephen returns for a further exploration of the works of Gilbert & Sullivan. Learn about late nineteenth century British history and the context to the Savoy Operas, including their smash hit The Mikado. Discover the witty commentary on contemporary Victorian society woven into the libretti. Uncover the thinly veiled satire of plots, what motivated Gilbert […]
The sky has been a major source of inspiration to artists throughout the centuries. This course will assess how different times of day and night have been painted by artists from the Renaissance until today. Works by Gainsborough, Constable, Turner, O’Keefe and many others will be included.
Do you want to practise your French by engaging in conversation with others? Join native speaker Julie, to practise and exchange with others on a wide range of topics. In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, you will strengthen and expand your knowledge of the French language. This course is aimed at those who are confident […]
There are a number of moral issues which are of great concern in contemporary society. This course is an introduction to some of these issues: experiments on animals; abortion; euthanasia; immigration; multiculturalism; freedom of speech and religion; capital punishment; and war. In each case, we will arrive at an understanding of the issue and then […]
Anton Chekhov (1860 – 1904) was a prolific writer of short stories and an influential playwright, as well as being a medical doctor. This basic introduction will consider Chekhov’s life and his literary development in the historical, political and cultural context of the Russia of his time. No previous knowledge or familiarity with Chekhov’s works […]
Always dreamed of taking up watercolour? Or do you already enjoy drawing and painting, but want to develop your skills? In this workshop Hilary will demonstrate fundamental watercolour and drawing techniques, but focus on supportive, individual tuition to help your art to rise to the next level. Work from your choice of subject, from photos […]
Are you thinking of writing short stories or have already started one? As well as developing writing talent, the aim is to increase understanding and enjoyment of short stories. We will look at examples by writers as diverse as Ian McEwan, Katherine Mansfield, Guy de Maupassant and V. S. Pritchett. We will consider what constitutes […]
Craig Sutton, aka “The Flamenco Thief”, is an English instrumentalist who blends fingerstyle and percussive guitar techniques to produce a classic-contemporary Mediterranean sound with lashings of South-American substance. His music incorporates Spanish acoustic, Latin, rumba, and bosa nova with hip-hop and electronica. With a career spanning 14 years, 4 albums, and numerous tours in Europe, […]
Support our charity and enjoy a range of exclusive benefits including the best rates on courses and events, a discount in V Café, access to member-only events and more. Join as a member from £50.00 per year.